Monday, September 12, 2011


okay, as any other gemunity, requires one to have certain social skills. There are the standard skills, of good manners, politeness to fellow members, and mutual respect. There are, though, some more subtle skills one must develop. You've got to develop a thick skin. Not everyone here is socially adept, and you will occasionally run across some pretty blunt individuals. There is alot of ego going on here, and it's best if you can set yours aside, and try to work with those who think their every word is gospel.
Pay attention to the world around you! It's harder here on the bay than in real life. Not that life here isn't real. It's just that we don't have the advantage of facing anyone as we conduct our affairs. We can't use eye contact, facial expressions, body language to judge another members sincerity, anger, or harmless teasing. It's often difficult to just keep up with the conversation, let alone gauge the intent of each members statements, and what reaction they are expecting. It's best to be reserved until you learn the personalities you are dealing with.
Remember, this is a working gemunity. Each one here has his/her reasons for buying what they buy, selling what they sell, and for sharing the parts of themselves that they share. I don't think anyone sets out to be a big shot, or to look down on anyone else, but certain qualities just naturally shine through. We are a diverse and varied lot. Many of us are retired, either as result of age, or disability. Many of us are single parents trying to make a life for ourselves while maintaining the family structure. Some of us are just looking for something to do. The one thing we all have in gemon is the bay! We have all chosen to be here. I've never heard of okay actually going out and recruiting an individual to gee here.
Here, in my opinion, are the basics to fitting in on the bay.
1) Be serious about your business. Whether you are a buyer, or a seller, be respectful of the othermembers space. Conduct yourself in a businesslike manner. Pay when you buy, deliver quickly when you sell, and leave honest feedback.
2) When in the blogs, remember that the person who just posted spent time and effort to get their idea(s) down in print. Not everyone is a trained typist, skilled speller, or college graduate. Some of us are just plain old folks!
3) Use the same tact here that you use in a face-to-face situation. When someone posts a picture of their ugly, mangy, pet, be polite. Same holds true for children, or spouses too. Honesty is NOT always the best policy.
4) Be sincere. When someone asks for your opinion, or for your advice, be as truthful and helpful as is needed. Nobody likes to be played.
5) Don't create a you that you aren't. Even in print, a guy who works for a living can't be a tycoon. Nobody cares how much money you have, or don't have. Nobody cares if you live in a mansion, or a bus. Just be yourself and let people get to know the real you. You are gonna gee out over time anyway.
In summary then, be sincere, serious,respectful, tactful, helpful, and honest with everyone and you'll get along just fine. We're all in this together!!

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