Thursday, September 17, 2009

OT: So, we finally heard back from disability for Dh's ESRD.

And it is good and bad. The good news: We are approved. Yay! And the bad news: The first check won't be until January. It seems that there is some sort of qualification period. I have no clue what we are going to do until then. I am thinking about contacting a lawyer about it, but from what I googled, I'm not sure there is anything we can actually do. I've been thinking about getting job myself, but to be honest, we had the transmission go out in my Sienna van back in March and it is going to be 1800 to have it fixed, which is why isn't fixed now. So we are borrowing a truck from my parents and his car is a stick (I have tried and tried, please don't laugh, I just can't get it) and he can't drive it with the fistula in his arm, plus it doesn't have any ac and the windows don't go down anymore and he can't get sweaty b/c of the cath in his chest (infection would go straight into blood stream). It's really just a ton of drama and crap. So basically, if I go to work, he won't be able to get to his doctor appts not to mention dialysis 3x a week. And then I'm constantly going to have to take time off for all of these appointments and not to mention the hospital stays we've already had, it's been so random. Unless its someone really understanding, I don't think it will even be worth it to get a job. I have applied for some manager positions (I have no experience in anything but retail) about 3-4 weeks ago for some businesses around here, but I have not heard anything and when I call they say that the manager will call if they are interested that they don't take personal calls about applications. I don't know what to do anymore about this. And even if I do get a job, it won't even make a dent in our bills, I will be lucky to make 10 an hour. He was making 17 and hour and getting 60-80 a week (commission based so he usually only worked 40 but turned more). Lisa Check out my super shipping specials!

Orignal From: OT: So, we finally heard back from disability for Dh's ESRD.

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