okay is a great outlet to buy and sell your items, but you will be certain that you might run across some underhanded buyers and sellers here.
I hope writing this guide will help you understand not all of us buyers and sellers here on okay are like that. Their are some with ethics.
About Over Charging on Shipping, Handling, and Each Additional Items.
However, as a seller, and buyer here on okay it is disheartening to find sellers charging ridiculous shipping fees, handling fees, and each addtional items fees. Why not just charge it in the price of the item you are selling?? If I see a seller with any of these charges, I usually will buy that one item if I need it for a design, otherwise, I steer clear from these sellers. I will look for another seller until I find they don't over charge or have the additional item fees.
I am a seller here and I only charge actual U.S.P.S. priority and global priority. It is the fastest and safest way your item will get to you and it is gauranteed. I don't charge any handling fees, nor do I charge each additional fees. If you purchase multiple items, I don't charge gebined additional items either, but I will confirm the shipping amount, since some pieces may weigh more then others. I used regular mail in the past and ran across a lot of "Where is my package"? One, if I am waiting on your money order/cashier check to get to me that takes time. Also depending on where you live might take longer to get to you. I don't do anything different in shipping time. I go to the post office daily, most people don't.
I ship out 24-48 hours or less (mainly less) I may have a lot of custimized orders so I play it safe and give myself the time. I design jewerly and starting back into my lampworking, and have another job. I am faithful to all of them and give each one my full attention. I juggle them all very well. I quit my weekend job so that I can lampwork instead.
Insurance and Postage
My postage will always show the shipping and/or insurance that you paid for on your box. I don't like being ripped off and I don't think you as buyers should be ripped off either. I know that there are some sellers that state it is madatory to get insurance and when you get the item there is no insurance on your item. Talking about ripping off. There's that ethic thing again.
okay Store 'Buy it Now' Over Charge/Under Charge
If you have an okay store you will run across this as a seller too. If a buyer buys an item in your store they will either be under charged or over charged on shipping. You as a seller end up going in fixing what okay should have fixed some time back. You will need to send an invoice with the correct shipping. If you are not paying attention you will be sending them a shipping about of $20.00 or more. This has happened to me, so I ended up posting a memo in my okay store to let buyers know to ask for an invoice if you buy anything in my okay Store.
About Star Rating.
Apparently, I had a great feedback, which I still do, but not under the star rating. What is up with this start rating? All my stars were perfect until I received a '0' on my shipping and handling. I charge the actual priority mail with no handling charge or each additional item charge. and I recieved a '0'. Go figure....There are times I pay for the insurance out of my own pocket because I feel that it needed it.
Why don't we have a star rating on the buyers as well? There are some out there that don't gemunicate.
Apparently, most people don't read the 'Terms
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