Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How to buy an old truck

Well in this guide i am going to explain all the basic things to look for when you are planning on buying an older model truck. First you must deciede what kind of old truck you would like to buy and what things you are looking for when buying this truck. First when you find your truck you must look to see how much value you think it is worth. First check all the spots that will accumulate rust first.You are gonna want tocheck the underbody frame,fenders,underside,ect. After youhave checked for rust on the vechile you aregoing to want to checkhow the engine runs and transmission. For the engine see if it starts, listen to how it sounds see ifif has knocks,or other weird noises. Then you might want to remove the oil pan to checkfor rod and main bearings these are the bearings that are connected to the cranksahft see ifthey are any good or if they need to be replced. If they needto be replced you might have a job to take on make sure you know how to do itor where to get it fixed. Next you want to shift through all the gears with the engine running to see ifthe transmission is still in good condidtion it may look good but could bebad.After you dothis you might wanna check the drive shaft to see ifit hasmore than usuall movement if it does your differential could be nood good or on its wat to being no good.Next you should remove the differential covers to check the gears make sure that there is no shavings in the oil thiscould mean that the gears are bad, see if all gears are in good condition. Next if it is a four wheeldrive vechile check to see if it works. Check the transfer case to see if it worksgood to put it in four wheel drive and see if it shifts in and out smooth. Next you might want to check the brakes see ifthey are in good mechanical working condition. THen you might want to check if the blinkers,lights,windows,locks,wipers,hoorn,ect. works. After you have done all this you can make a pretty good accurate opinionon if you want the truck or vechile to drive or for a project vechile. I hope this was some help to you if you have any questions feel free to email me for all you older vechile mechinal needs and question.


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